Ai Dios Mio!
Will it never end? So the latest in the "kick the damn foreigners out" saga of Ohio was reported recently in an Cincinnati Post article. It seems there is some debate amongst the haters themselves, as to how much hate is acceptable, and in what way expressing that hate publicly is alright. Butler County Commissioner Michael Fox went too far according to our hater prize winner Rep. Combs, when he made the following statement in reference to a local bar that has a sign up saying "For Service, Speak English":
If you can't learn to say "I want a beer" in English you are too stupid to drink anyway.
On another similar note, check out elenamary's recent encounter with another Cincinnati area ignoramus, and as she put it: Reason #5387 on why Ohio is messed up.
Holy moly I cannot believe that. Too stupid? No wonder these people don't travel. The whole rest of the world is too stupid to drink.
4:03 AM
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