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columbus represent

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I Would Argue

The Washington Post ran an article on 9/12 entitled President Tries to Win Over a War-Weary Nation. I bristle a little at this. In my opinion, we aren't war weary, we are ADD. Most Americans aren't actually impacted by this war, nor do they really truly grasp what it would mean if we were war weary. I guess you could say we are weary of hearing about it. But beyond that, I think we are living in ignorant bliss.


Blogger iomi said...

Amen, sister.

4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're totally right. and to encourage that ignorant bliss, according to the NY Times today, we will be drawing ever more heavily on our National Guard troops in order avoid the draft. (and this right in the middle of hurricane season.)

2:11 PM


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