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columbus represent

Monday, September 18, 2006

New Blog Link

Hey ya'll, you might have noticed that I added a blog onto my list of cool blogs. It's a health care policy blog mainly, and I ended up finding it because we were both linked to a Washington Post article about the same subject. Then I realized, just about any health policy stuff that I wanted to write about, he had already done so, and in a more clear way than I could. So in order to ease my guilt of the piles of articles/opinion pieces/new happenings around health care that are accumulating in my in box to blog about, I thought I would just link to his blog instead. Let the guilt go! So check it out, it's called Stayin' Alive. Not that I won't stop my ranting and raving, but I just won't feel as guilty if and when I don't have the gumption in me to do it.


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