US Government Releases Documents on Civilian Casualties
Important Announcement From CIVIC:
The US government released the first ever documents on civilian casualtiesthrough a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made in June 2006 by the ACLU. CIVIC has also requested this information but until now the government had denied its release. After years of being kept in the dark about civilian casualties caused by US forces, we now have two thousand documents detailing the human cost of war and a snapshot of what the United States does – and still fails to do – after bullets and bombs harm Iraqi and Afghan civilians.
Through a special arrangement with the ACLU, CIVIC was able to preview the documents before their release this morning. We noted that there are several serious problems with the US military's handling of the claims, including inconsistent administration of condolence payments to innocent civilians and poor record keeping of injuries and deaths. Click here to visit the homepage where you can read our press release, the NY Times article published this morning and visit the ACLU's searchable document database to take a look for yourself.
Sarah & Marla B
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