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columbus represent

Monday, February 27, 2006

Good Argument

There has been much hypothesizing as of late between the difference of a physician refusing to take part in death penalty procedures, and a pharmacist refusing to fill a perscription for birth control or the morning after pill. I had not heard a good argument as to why one was different from the other. Today, I ran across the following quote in a Washington Post article "Wal-Mart and the Death Penalty" which is the best reasoning I have seen as to why they are in fact different situations. Emphasis added.

Physicians and pharmacists who refuse to participate in what they deem to be killing have more in common than many of us might like to admit. But the most important distinction between them has to do with their differing relationship with patients. The law recognizes that doctors' special relationship with their patients warrants a legal privilege: Their discussions are kept secret. You may like and trust your pharmacist. You may even trust him with intimate details about your yeast infection. But your pharmacist has neither the tools nor the right to probe details about rape and abuse, incest and health risks. Which is why pharmacists who interpose between decisions made by a doctor and her patient are overstepping not just moral but legal boundaries -- and undermining another professional relationship that is fundamentally different from their own.


Blogger iomi said...

Yep. Pharmacists don't have to take the hippocratic oath, as far as I know.

This whole thing is creepy- supposedly doctors are the only ones allowed to make decisions about prescriptions, ostensibly because they have been trained to do just that. Pharmacists just hand them out, and sometimes give you info on how to take them and what not to mix with what. Right?

I'm amazed that pharmacists would refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control and Wal-Mart employees still have to sell guns no matter what they believe.

8:09 PM

Blogger xine said...

WORD! Good point there missy. But what about wal-mart DO we like?

re: the pharmacist thing, whenever i ask a pharmacist a question their response has always been a blank stare followed by "ask your doctor." So those sappy commercials you see with pharmacists getting all weepy eyed about their connection to their patients just end up making me mad.

10:31 AM


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