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columbus represent

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Depends on If you Actually Consume Health Care

The GAO recently released a report on Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), or as our GOP friends like to call it: "consumer driven" health care. " Consumer-Directed Health Plans: Early Enrollee Experiences with Health Savings Accounts and Eligible Health Plans," The report in part examines the satisfaction of users of HSAs.  According to the analysis given by Kaiser, most people using HSAs would not recommend the plans to:

individuals who use maintenance medications, those with chronic conditions, those with children or to those who might not have the money to meet the high deductible associated with HSAs 
In other words, most of the U.S. and most regular "consumers" of health care services. I consider it very important that I, as a consumer of health care services, have a choice and partial direction in the course of my treatments, but I would get my ass served to me if I actually participated in one of these things. I would be bankrupt! So I guess consumer driven health care only works for those who aren't doing a bunch of consuming.
(or anyone with kids)
(or anyone middle class or poor)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as an unlikely consumer of health care--young and presumably healthy until i was diagnosed with cancer at 24--it is one of my personal life missions to make sure that everyone realizes the true value of comprehensive health care coverage. and to make sure everyone i know and love has insurance.

2:09 PM

Blogger xine said...


9:41 AM


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