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columbus represent

Monday, October 09, 2006

Of Course Kids Always Get Hit the Worst

When someone has a stupid idea, and decides to legislate based on that stupid idea, doesn't it seem that those who can least afford to take the brunt of that stupidity (in this case children), are the ones who end up taking it anyways? 
I've written many past posts (Only Crazy Horse Need Apply, Don't Even Bother, I TOLD you I loved Bob Herbert) on, first: the arrogant stupidity of County caseworkers taking it upon themselves to decide whose citizenship should be questioned (based on "foreign sounding" last names), second: the arrogant stupidity of Ohio legislators deciding that instead of questioning a Medicaid applicant based solely on last name, we should just question EVERYONE's citizenship and bog down an already overburdened system with more administrative crap (mind you, these were Rs wanting to legislate more bureaucracy), and third: the arrogant stupidity of our federal legislators doing the same thing as the state wanted to, and actually getting away with it.  So dear readers,  what happens when we legislate based on arrogant stupidity and xenophobic rumors?
Thousands of low-income children have been unable to enroll in Virginia's Medicaid program since July 1 because of new, tougher federal rules requiring proof of citizenship and identity, state officials said.

Officials for the state program for the poor and disabled said as many as 10,000 eligible children are living without health care largely because their families have been unable to present original birth certificates and other needed documentation to state or local Medicaid officials.

And that is just in one state. 10,000 uninsured children. I sure wish some "pro-lifers" would stand up and show they give a crap about what happens after a child is born. Well, I guess if I'm going to wish for anything, it would be that we just leave this arrogant xenophobic legislating behind all together. Wouldn't that be nice?


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