As We Spiral Away From Democracy....
From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Our rights to vote have been slowly siphoned away from us, and we as a nation on a whole seem really blase about it. Voting schmoting seems to be a prevailing attitude. So why be slow and sneaky about it anymore? well, the US House isn't. What will we do about this?
By Robert Greenstein, Leighton Ku, and Stacy DeanOn September 20 the House passed a bill (H.R. 4844) that would, starting in 2010, effectively deny the vote to any U.S. citizen who cannot produce a passport or birth certificate (or proof of naturalization). Although the bill's supporters present it as a measure intended to prevent non-citizens from voting, the bill's main impact will be on U.S. citizens themselves.
The national survey, conducted in January 2006 by Opinion Research Corporation and sponsored by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, finds that approximately 11 million citizens currently lack the required documents. A substantial number could have difficulty obtaining or affording them. The survey also indicates that the bill would affect certain groups disproportionately — including people with low incomes, African Americans, the elderly, people without a high school diploma, rural residents, and residents of the South and Midwest. Substantial numbers of these and other citizens could potentially be disenfranchised by the bill. 4pp.
And for some people (20% of African American senior citizens, for example) documentation simply doesn't exist. If you were born at home and the midwife didn't register your birth, enjoy voting in 2008 because if this gets through the Senate it will be your last time.
12:59 AM
yeah,unless you can magically conjure up two witnesses who will sign sworn affadavits, who have 1st hand knowledge of your birth (ie they witnessesed it) one of who is not a member of your family, & both of them must provide THEIR own proof of cutizenship as defined by the ridiculous tiered system of documentation guidance offered by the feds. yeah, THAT'S completely reasonable & going to happen.
9:36 AM
sorry, that was xine posting the last comment
9:39 AM
Yup, this is a disgrace all right. How can the R party be so shameless as to blatantly set out to disenfranchise poor people, in this day and age, and the corporate media lets them get away with it?
1:18 PM
how? because everyone in power is wealthy, and most of them are from wealth. so even if they "care" for poor people, they really don't get what it's like to BE poor. that, in my opinion, is the inherent flaw built into the foundation of this great "democracy."
9:29 PM
ahhhh rose, such a good point (as always), and that is why I feel put here in the hinterlands for a reason. you must show people not to be afraid of these "power players" (aka rich white guys/gals even those who are "helping" and "fighting" the fight for the "masses") and let THEM tell it like it is, without backing down. In the mean time I'm willing to stand up to a bunch of do-gooder (and not so do-gooder) suits and say: "have you thought of this?! well, you need to and let me tell you why....."
I know you do the same Rose, keep it up, we all have to keep it up.
7:18 AM
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