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columbus represent

Friday, September 22, 2006

Holy Crap!

This is an ad that is running on Black radio stations in Ohio.
Script: National Black Republican Association
60-Second Radio Spot
Paid for by the Black Republican Freedom Fund, an
NBRA 527 affiliate
Not authorized by any candidate or political committee

Pam: Dr. King was a real man.

Tina: You know . . he was a Republican.

Pam: Dr. King, a Republican? Really?

Tina: Democrats passed those Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan.

Pam: The Klan . . . White hoods and sheets?!

Tina: Democrats fought ALL Civil Rights Legislation from the 1860's to the 1960's. Democrats released those vicious dogs and fire hoses on blacks.
Pam: Seriously!

Tina: And the Dixiecrats? Remained Democrats and vowed to vote for a yellow dog, before a Republican. Republicans freed us from slavery and put our right to vote in the Constitution.

Pam: What?

Tina: Republicans started the NAACP, affirmative action and the HBCU's.

Pam: Democrats have bamboozled blacks.

Tina: Democrats blocked the minimum wage passed by Republicans. Over 200 billion dollars have been spent on education, healthcare and job training since President Bush took office.

Pam: So, Democrats want to keep us POOR and voting ONLY Democrat.

Tina: Democrats want us to accept same-sex marriages; teen abortions without a parent's consent and suing the Boy Scouts for saying "God" in their pledge.

Pam: We NEED to THINK! and vote OUR own values.

Tina: Exactly... Democrats have talked the talk, but Republicans have walked the walk.

Pam: I hear ya girl. It time for us to "DO" the walk.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap is putting it mildly! has travis smiley heard this yet? he needs to come home to heartland fast and set this straight! the scary thing is that history is taught so poorly in our schools that people might actually hear these echoes of truth and come to the same conclusion as the ad. the scarier thing is that the democrats have become such neoliberal scum that it's true they haven't been, as the ad puts it, 'walking the walk'--but the republicans are so much worse!!

2:01 PM


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